Ryoji Kawashita Immigration Lawyer Office

                 Reception hours: Weekday AM 9:00 〜 PM 6:00


The residence status for someone with professional knowledge and skills in Japan is categorized into 15 levels from “Professor” to “Skilled labor". The main working qualification is 5. It is explanation simple as follows.
Note: The management law of the emigration and immigration residence is often revised. It is recommended that you check the homepage of the emigration and immigration residence management agency.

Engineer, Specialist in humanities and International services

Currently, there are the “engineer”, “specialist in humanities” and “international services” statuses of residence. The type of job of the white-collar who made use of technical knowledge fulfills this residence permission.


  1. they must have graduated from university.
  2. they must have work experience of more than 10 years.
  3. It is also applied to a technical school graduate.
  4. The contents of new work must be similar relations with an applicant having learned at school.


  1. The requirements of the applicant of the technical school graduation are tighter than the requirements of the applicant of the graduation from university.

Skilled Labor

This is a residence status when an applicant engages in duties having an expert skill to belong to the special field. As a concrete example, it is a cook, the pilot of the plane, the couch of sports. Here, I explain particularly many cooks.


  1. The person needs work experience more than ten years.
  2. The restaurant where the person works must be a specialized restaurant of the foreign dish.
  3. A certain constant number is necessary for the seating of the restaurant.


  1. In the case of a Thai restaurant, the person needs the work experience of five years.
  2. It is included in the experience of the person during the period when the person learned in the technical school.
  3. However, the period of ten years is necessary by all means.
  4. This residence status does not have the educational background requirements.

Intra-company Transferee

This is a residence status when a parent company lets the employee proceed to the Japanese subsidiary or affiliates.


  1. The experience that worked at the head office and the branch in the foreign country for most recent one year is necessary for that person.
  2. The range of duties is the same as the "engineer", "specialist in humanities" and "international services".


  1. This residence status does not have the educational background requirements

Business Manager

This is the residence permission that a foreign manager and officer acquire.


  1. An investment of 5 million yen is necessary first.
  2. The office must be different from home.


  1. The requirements of the business plan became severe recently. The explanation of grounds of the profit is requested.
  2. It is expected that the first residence period is short.
  3. Since the person is a manager, the work labor is not really possible.
  4. This residence status does not have the educational background requirements.


The foreign student of the foreign university can stay in Japan by internship.


  1. In these VISA, a unit must be approved as some curriculum of the university.


  1. When a student receives a reward, a designated activity visa is applied.
  2. There are no salary restrictions of the student.
  3. It is necessary for the student that a stay within one year in Japan is anticipated to withhold 20%
  4. The health insurance will be covered by travel insurance.

"The Specific Activity" (46)

A new system "specific activity" (46) was decided to issue in order to extend the workplace of the foreign student on May 30, 2019. A choice of the employment of foreigners will extend this new system for a Japanese company.

Working holiday, internship corresponded to the residence status called "a specific activity", but were added as the 46th kind "46 specific activity".
"The 47 specific activity" is added, and this becomes the residence status for a spouse and children of the 46 identification activity acquisitor to reside.

The person can continue working without the upper limit in Japan as far as the employment is established unlike "a specific skill" as for "the special activity" (46) and performs the update procedure of the residence status.
About the requirements of "the specific activity" (46), it is as follows.


  1. It is a wide activity including duties to need smooth mutual understanding using Japanese to become the target activity. Not the duties that work contents only carry out a passive activity, it is necessary to be duties to need the interactive communication with others using duties and Japanese with the element of translation, the interpreter.
  2. In the case of next, it is not an object. The foreigner left school in midcourse at a Japanese university.
    The foreigner has the degree, but graduate from a junior college, technical school of Japan.
    The foreigner graduate from overseas university, graduate school, but not Japanese school.
  3. Japanese ability a.The Japanese ability examination N1 acquisition. Being higher than 480 points of ability for BJT / business Japanese tests
    b.The one that majored in "Japanese" in a Japanese university or a graduate school, and graduated
  4. The work that the person engages in being a duty to utilize ability for wide knowledge that the person learned in a Japanese university and graduate school. It being anticipated that duties to assume the scientific qualities targeted for "technique, humanities knowledge, international business" (duties to need technology and linguistic ability) a background are included in the duties contents which are going to engage more than a uniformity standard or that the person engages in such duties in the future.
  5. As the employment form, it applies to a regular staff, contracted employee by the being the employment in the full-time (full-time employment) regular employment. Thus, the person is an employee by an employment agreement, Naturally the participation of the social insurance becomes required, too. Even if it is full-time, a temporary employee is inapplicable. It is not for the part-time job part, too.
  6. About the reward, it is necessary for a condition to employ things more than an equal sum as a Japanese to be rewards more than a sum equal to a Japanese. Including a raise in salary side, the wage of the person who is a graduate from a Japanese university graduate person, graduate school is referred to. In addition, it is judged in reference to the wage of the person engaging in similar duties of the regulations specified in the wage system of an area and individual companies and other companies whether it is more than a sum equal to a Japanese. When a former foreign student finds a job in the own countries and acquires work experience, it is taken into account whether a reward depending on the experience is paid.

Permission is granted to be concrete if it is the following work.

  1. In the store of the restaurant, the person waits on customers for the Japanese visitor to service trade and it which served as the interpreter for the foreign visitor.(not admitted that the person engages only in dishwashing and the cleaning in the kitchen.)
  2. The person transmits the work instructions that received from a Japanese employee in a foreign language for a skill trainee and other foreign employees and, in the product line of the factory, instruct the person. The person enters the line by oneself and works.(not admitted that the person engages only in work ordered at a line.)
  3. In the retail store, the person matches it with the purchasing or a product plan and deals with customers for the foreign visitor who served as an interpreter and worker. The person performs the waiting on customers sale for the Japanese visitor. (not admitted that the person engages only in the cleaning of an exhibition and the store of the product.)
  4. In the hotel and the inn, the person performs the waiting on customers as the bell staff and the doorman who served as establishment, the update work of the homepage with the foreign language, an interpreter, the guidance to a foreign visitor, the instruction to other foreigner employees. To it, the person includes performing the waiting on customers for the Japanese visitor.
  5. The person is active as a taxi driver performing the guidebook which served as an interpreter by oneself while performing a plan, the planning for tourists (pulling in customers) in a taxi company. To it, the person includes boarding it as a normal taxi driver.(not admitted that the person engages only in the maintenance of the vehicle.)
  6. The person plans the mutual understanding between the user including the foreign user while performing the instruction to a foreign employee and skill trainee, and, in the nursing facility, the person engages in care duties.(not admitted that the person engages only in the washing of cleaning and the clothes in facilities.)

It is not admitted that the person engages only by simple labor.
However, it is admitted that the person carries out a simple activity in a part while doing the work that the person bi-directionally takes the communication in Japanese.

About "a spouse" receiving the support of the person that the special activity (46) was appointed about the stay of the family
of the person having the residence status of "the specific activity" (46) or "children," a daily activity is detected in the residence status of "the special activity"
(spouses of the Japanese university graduate).

When a "specific activity" (46) acquisitor changes the job, please warn that residence status change permission application is necessary.

Points of the application

The proof of not being a simple worker is necessary, even if the person meets requirements.

  1. The setting such as the teachers' textbooks to the remit of duties, other foreigners and a skill trainee.
  2. The desk of the person, a photograph of the setting such as PCs, the making of the caricature.
  3. Duties documents to daily use.

Let's do the device that permission is granted without delay by making optional documents, and preparing.

Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals

Due to promote entry of highly-skilled foreign professionals, a points-based system that provides highly-skilled foreign professionals with preferential immigration control and residency management treatment was introduced on May 7, 2012.

The activities of the highly-skilled foreign professionals are classified into three categories: “advanced academic research activities,” “advanced specialized/technical activities,” and “advanced business management activities.
” According to characteristic features of each category of the activities, points are set to each item, such as “academic background,” “professional career,” “annual salary,” and the like.
If the total points reach a certain number (70 points), preferential immigration control and residency management treatment will be granted to the relevant person, with the aim of promoting the acceptance of highly-skilled foreign professionals in Japan.

The Three Categories of Activities of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals

  1. Advanced academic research activities "Highly-Skilled Professional(i)(a)" Activities of engaging in research, research guidance or education based on a contract entered into with a public or private organization in Japan.
  2. Advanced specialized/technical activities "Highly-Skilled Professional(i)(b)" Activities of engaging in work requiring specialized knowledge or skills in the field of natural sciences or humanities based on a contract entered into with a public or private organization in Japan.
  3. Advanced business management activities "Highly-Skilled Professional(i)(c)" Activities of engaging in the operation or management of a public or private organization in Japan.

Details of Preferential Immigration Control and Residency Management Treatment

Highly-Skilled Professional(i)

  1. Permission for multiple activities
  2. Grant of the “5 years" period of stay
  3. Easing of requirements for permanent residence
  4. Permission for the spouse of the highly-skilled foreign professional to work
  5. Permission for bringing a parent(s) to accompany the highly-skilled foreign professional to Japan under certain conditions
  6. Permission for a domestic worker to accompany the highly-skilled foreign professional to Japan under certain conditions
  7. Preferential processing of entry and residence procedures

Highly-Skilled Professional(ii)

  1. In conjunction with the activities "Highly-Skilled Professional(i)" permitted to engage in almost all of the activities of statuses of residence based on employment
  2. Granted an indefinite period of stay
  3. Eligible for the preferential treatment of the abovementioned (3)to(6)* "Highly-Skilled Professional(ii)" is for foreign nations who have engaged in activities of "Highly-Skilled Professional(i)" for three years or more.

The point distribution of each type is as follows.

Point calculation form (Example)
Excel 236KB

Queted from:immigration bureau of japan(Point calculation table)

Points of the Application

  1. Please calculate along a point list by yourself, and total point. If a total point is 70 or more, in requirements of "Highly Skilled Professionals(i) It applies to it. Please prepare the demonstrable documents of each point.1
  2. When yearly income is less than 3 million yen, it is excluded. It is not allowed to apply it.
  3. If it is the one that has already resided in Japan by " application for change of status of residence" is applied.
    the updating during the residence period will perform " application for extension of period of stay " as High Skilled Professionals during the residence period.
  4. The one entered to Japan will perform "application for certificate of eligibility " from now on.

Points to Be Noted

  1. "The residence situation being good" This should be the important point of the judgement.
  2. A workplace when an applicant applied becomes subject of the residence status. If it changed, it needs to perform " application for change of status of residence".
  3. This matter does not see even an explanation document very much. Please be careful enough.

Intra-company Transferee

Activities on the part of a personnel who is transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time from a business office established in a foreign country by a public or private organization which has a head office, branch office or other business office in Japan, and who engages in the activities listed in the right-hand column of the "Engineer" and "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" sections in this table at this business office.

There are two cases, one is that a foreign staff who worked for foreign company is sent to Japanese subsidiary as transference, leaving new post, or loan.
The another one is that a foreign staff who worked for Japanese subsidiary is sent to Japanese head office as transference, leaving new post, or loan.
The residence period of the transfer visa in the company is three months, one year, three years, five years.

The transfer is included in this case, transfer in the group (parent company, subsidiary, affiliates).
It is necessary to submit a document explaining the relations at the time of the application. (Japanese translation is necessary)

A submission document varies according to corporate scale.
It is classified in four categories.

Division and submission documents of category(PDF)

Points of the Application

  1. It is necessary for the applicant to conduct affairs of "a technique, the humanities knowledge, the international business".
  2. An applicant needs the duty results (in the corporation sending you out) more than one year.
  3. Or a salary of the applicant is a thing a reward and the same class to receive it when a Japanese engages further.
  4. The duties contents of the applicant do not correspond to "Business management " of the residence status.
  5. The presentation such as the written appointment which "determined a period", the duties letter missive is necessary. (Japanese translation is necessary)

Points to Be Noted

  1. The certificate issued in Japan needs submission with the thing within three months from an issue date.
  2. The ID, It is needed to use photo which was taken within three months.
Employment VISA application Fee list
  • Standard Plan
  • Full Service Plan
  • Check Service Plan
  • Business manager VISA application Fee list
  • Internship Fee list

Request to a customer
A customer collects the required documents which we indicated, and please send, or bring it to our office.
My office makes documents, does agency of the application and receives the authorization.

Application for certification of eligibility of status of residence
Inviting a foreigner from overseas
Application for permission to change status of residence
When the change to a working visa is needed for a foreigner residing in Japan
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant changes job.
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant did not change job.

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

My office supports all the application of VISA.
We acquire documents in place of a customer from the administration.And my office makes documents, does agency of the application and receives the authorization.

Application for certification of eligibility of status of residence
Inviting a foreigner from overseas
Application for permission to change status of residence
When the change to a working visa is needed for a foreigner residing in Japan
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant changes job.
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant did not change job.

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

It is a plan to check all documents by my office which a customer made.A customer applies to the Immigration office directly. About the required document, my office makes a list and hands it to a customer beforehand.

Application for certification of eligibility of status of residence
Inviting a foreigner from overseas
Application for permission to change status of residence
When the change to a working visa is needed for a foreigner residing in Japan
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant changes job.
Application for certificate of Authorization for Employment
To renew procedure of employment when applicant did not change job.

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

Business manager VISA obtainment

My office supports all the application of VISA.
We acquire documents in place of a customer from the administration.As addition, making various documents such as a business plan or the income statement, and making documents, doing agency of the application and receiving the authorization.

Application for certification of business manager 200,000JPYEN
Application for certification of business manager 200,000JPYEN

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

Company establishment

My office supports the company establishment of foreigners. In addition, supports the visa renewal after the company establishment.

The articles of association certification charges To notary office 52,000JPYEN
The stamp duty To notary office 40,000JPYEN
Registration and license tax To Legal Affairs Bureau 150,000JPYEN
The registration reward To judicial scrivener 54,000JPYEN
Reword to my office 60,000JPYEN
Grand Total 356,000JPYEN

The stamp duty 40,000 yen is saved, if Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist handle it.

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)

There are two type of Internship VISA. One is Designated activities One is Short Term Resident VISA. This chapter explains Internship VISA as designated activities.

Designated activates : Staying for up to one year. Reward is available
Short term Resident : Staying for up to 90days Reward is not available

It is the following reward with both VISA.

Request to a customer
A customer collects the required documents which we indicated, and please send, or bring it to our office.
My office makes documents, does agency of the application and receives the authorization.

Internship VISA / Designated activities and Short Term Resident 110,000JPYEN
For one person of the family +40,000JPYEN

・A consumption tax is not included in the price mentioned above.

・In addition, to the price mentioned above, an additional charge may incur.(Example: when applicant applied it directly once, and it was disapproval)

・The translation charges of documents are necessary separately, too.(Example : Chinese one sheet 3,000 yen)


We will handle the matter carefully, promptly, and kindly.

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